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You're viewing N-Gage (Hardware) Cheat Codes

Game Name : N-Gage (Hardware)
System : N-Gage
Date Added : 2006-10-23 19:51:28
Views : 45715

FloBoarder Game
If your N-Gage came with 32mb Memory Card with a picture of a woman holding a snowboard on it, press the Menu Key, then select the Jigsaw piece. You can play the game without registering on GPRS by selecting 'No'.

Change the background
Turn on your N-Gage and wait for it to load, Then, press Menu. When the menu appears, scroll to "Tools". After the tools screen appears, select "Settings", then "Devices", then "Standby Mode", and "Background Image". Select it to switch the background off, then switch it back on. When you put it back on, you can chose one of the pictures that comes with the N-Gage, or one from a MMC card to use as a background. Note: Use the T-Mobile card that comes with it to login to on your N-Gage, save all the pictures on the site to your N-Gage or MMC card, then you can later use them as backgrounds.

Alternate starting sounds
Hold Z + L + R + Start and turn on the N-Gage to hear children's music following by a "boing" sound.

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